* SUZURIの30周年記念グッズの申込みは終了しました。


 Application for SUZURI's 30th anniversary goods has been closed. 

Thank you very much for your support and cooperation to this event.

* SVX30周年記念ポスターが完成しました。(November 11, 2021)

SVX 30th Anniversary Poster is now available.






















* SVX30周年記念グッズ(SUZURI)の購入は、2021年12月31日までです。

The SVX 30th Anniversary merchandise will be available for purchase until December 31, 2021.


* SVX30周年記念ステッカーを郵送希望してくださった方の振込受け付けを終了します。ご賛同いただき、ありがとうございました。(November 1, 2021)


* Galleryページに画像を追加しました。(October 22, 2021)

Added images to the Gallery page.


* ポスターに入れる写真の申込みは、終了しました。多数の投稿、ありがとうございました。(October 18, 2021)

 The application for photos to be included in the poster has been closed. Thank you for the many submissions.


* 30th Meeting Photos ページに画像を追加しました。(October 17, 2021)

Added images to the 30th Meeting Photos page.


 * 30th Meeting Photos / 30th Meeting Videos ページを追加しました。(October 16, 2021)

30th Meeting Photos and Videos page was added.



* 当日の集合写真は、以下のアドレスからダウンロードできます。(October 11, 2021)

Group photos from the day of the meeting can be downloaded from the following address.




* 本日のミーティングは、多くの方の支えにより大成功だったと思います。関わってくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。これからも、当日の写真紹介や、様々な報告等をアップしていく予定です。

(October 10, 2021)

I think today's meeting was a great success thanks to the support of many people. Thank you very much to everyone who was involved. We will continue to upload photos and various reports from the day.



* 明日は、ミーティングの本番です。オフラインで参加される方は、必ず「感染拡大予防」ページを再読した上で、ご参加ください。また、会場の外気温は、31℃まで高くなりそうです。飲み物を持参し、熱中症対策もご配慮ください。オンライン/オフライン参加者の皆さんが楽しめるミーティングとできるよう、ご協力をお願いいたします。(October 9, 2021)


* スバルマガジンから、ミーティングの模様を記事にしたいと打診がありました。当日の写真や様子を伝えることになっています。(October 9, 2021)



  30th anniversary book & poster ページに三樹書房のリンクを追加しました。(October 8, 2021)

  SVX book will be released from Mikipress. 30th anniversary book & poster page is added.


 * 本ミーティングのPVが完成しました。ご覧ください。(September 20, 2021)

  The PV for this meeting has been completed. Please watch it.




 緒にお祝いを!」との記載がありました。(September 19, 2021)



  If you would like to send an image that can be posted on the Gallery page, please contact us from the Contact page.


スバル アルシオーネ SVXは、今年で発売30周年になります。その節目を祝うイベントを、10月10日(日)をメインに、オンラインとオフラインを使って実現していきましょう。



実行委員長 小田切英樹

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Subaru Alcyone SVX. Let's realize the event to celebrate the milestone, mainly on October 9th & 10th, using online and offline. 


SVX 30th Anniversary Meeting Executive Committee, 

Executive Committee Chairman Hideki Odagiri

It has been said that the ALCYONE SVX is a masterpiece among SUBARU's masterpieces.

In Australia, it will be held on the morning of October 10th.

In the United States, it will be held on the afternoon of October 9th.

In Japan, it will be held on the morning of October 10th. 





Event Objective

It has been said that the Alcyone SVX is a masterpiece among SUBARU's masterpieces. The number of SVX sold in Japan was less than 6,000 and total worldwide production volume was well below 30,000 cars, which can be seen by some as nothing short of a commercial failure. However, there is good reason why SVX is defined as a masterpiece and exceptional representation of SUBARU's lineup. Its elegantly sculpted body designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the most influential Italian automobile designer of the 20th Century, was made possible by the implementation of various new technologies of the time, resulting in a car of breathtaking beauty and driving pleasure as well as high quality technical aspects such as strong rigidity of the chassis and a drag coefficient of 0.29, just to name a few. These achievements were made possible by the ambition and extraordinary efforts of the development team which can still be experienced by the driver today in the form of the utmost in driving experience. 

Even today, the attractive design of the SVX is featured in music and other videos.

The aim of this event is to celebrate the upcoming 30th Anniversary of the birth of the SVX and to demonstrate the continued appreciation and love felt by fans all over the world since its release in 1991. 

We would like to invite fans of SUBARU SVX to join us in celebrating this special occasion by participating in the event through various online and offline methods with the end result of further strengthening our bonds of friendship.

SVX30周年記念 SVX30周年オフ会 SVX30周年ミーティング SVX30周年記念インターナショナルミーティング


SVX30th anniversary SVX meeting SVX Zoom meeting SVX online meeting